• 970-279-1787
  • traci.mitchell@aboomlife.com
  • Denver, CO, USA
Life Enhancement
30 Minutes of activity/exercise, 3-4x a week = Healthy for life

30 Minutes of activity/exercise, 3-4x a week = Healthy for life

Do something every day to be active and you will start to see a change in yourself!

So we all have been told to exercise. Scientific research has shown numerous of benefits that come from being active, but we all seem to forget about the benefits and what being active truly offers us. We run and hide on our couch behind a tub of ice cream or bag of chips and the remote after a long days work and make an excuse like no time or I’m too tired. In reality, if we would get up and get out there we would create a better life for ourselves, by improving energy levels, burning calories, and improving insulin sensitivity, among many other benefits that will accompany a new active lifestyle.

We all get stuck in a routine that seems to forgo exercising.  It’s time to wake up and really know why you need to be doing a low intensity exercise routine . Here are

3 experts advice on why we need to exercise:

  1. The american college of sports medicine and the center for disease control and prevention advise “Every American adult should accumulate thirty minutes or more of moderate intensity physical activity over the course of most days of the week.
  2. Dr. Walter Dowdle notes that those who are inactive , or sedentary are at almost twice the risk for cancer and heart disease as physically active individuals.
  3. Dr. Steven Blair from JAMA state that 30 minutes of sustained activity, 3-4x a week, would have significant impact on reducing mortality from all causes. The results indicated that walking two miles in 20-30 minutes 3x a week, is almost as beneficial as running 2-3 miles several times a week – if your main goals are to reduce risk of death from all causes to prolong life.


We need to change our sedentary habits into active living to be healthy and enjoy every day.

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