• 970-279-1787
  • traci.mitchell@aboomlife.com
  • Denver, CO, USA
Life Enhancement
8 Tips to Goal Setting and Why dreaming big is in.

8 Tips to Goal Setting and Why dreaming big is in.

When thinking up your goals dream So Big you laugh at how absurd your goals are, some goals will be achieved faster than others but the best part about dreaming is it can be unrealistic but I find if you want something you will find a way to get it.

Setting goals is one thing we all do at the beginning of the year and each year we say we are gonna be different. We are gonna get a sexier body, eat healthier and start saving money and get going on our investment portfolio but we just let the days slip through our fingers and nothing really ever happens. So here is 8 tips we think everyone should do when trying to form new habits and meet their goals for the year. Writing out your goals will help you see exactly what you want which makes it that much easier to start doing what you need to do so you can look back at your life and see how much of a badass you truly are.

Tip #1: Know what your goals are and write them down

– One tip to knowing what your goals are is to meditate on them. Just breath for 17 minutes on a regular basis. Close your eyes and let your breath guide you into the blank void that is there which I believe is the closest we get to seeing a feeling God or source. During this time of blankness try to think of nothing if you do, forgive yourself and then go back to your mantra or word or just looking inward at the pit of your stomach. Or heart center which ever feels right.  After 15 minutes you are gonna take the last two minutes and truly visualize what you want your life to look like it doesn’t seem like that long but you will be surprised about what you can come up with in 2 minutes. Dream big and see what your self are doing the things or having what you want. Living the dream is lived first in the mind and heart and the action follows.  

Tip #2: Be Real with yourself so you don’t set unrealistic goals.

This is a great way to set a goal to make sure you know what you are chasing after!

-Set a realistic goal, if you don’t know Anything about yoga and say you are going to do yoga everyday of the year this is an unrealistic goal. If daily yoga is a goal start with 10 mins a day at home and like I to 2 yoga classes a week. If you pull that off raise it to 3 days a week; however, if you want to go all in on a goal the only person stopping you is yourself. For instance. I have completed 108 day yoga challenge 2 times now i have been trying for 4 years this goal. I am going to try to do 365 days . The hard thing about his is you can’t miss a day so the reality of me failing is very high but the reality of me getting up and saying i am going to do yoga every day is way easier now that I have established a practice and a yoga habit for myself. So be realistic, clear and concise with your goals and with why you want to achieve your goals. 

Tip #3: Start doing and don’t compare yourself to others.

-By knowing what you truly want it doesn’t matter what anyone else is doing. Make sure you have goals in all faucets of life. Self care, happiness,  and finance goals are the three main areas I focus on when deciding what I want out of life and the current year. 

Tip #4: Only use social media for 15 minutes a day. Post and Ghost.

And more social media rules to consider: Don’t Use it in the morning. Pick your time of day and stick with it for at least a month. So much valuable time is wasted on social media. Use it as a learning tool and for educational purposes only. Don’t death scroll. Be aware and mindful of what you are doing on your phone. Don’t go on social media while using the bathroom. In fact, stop taking your phone to the bathroom, it is such a waste of fucking time. You can set a timer in the app , try it 15 minutes goes by so fast.

Tip #5: Get a journal and write down your goals and then take your top 5 goals and then break them down into micro goals.

-Write down the specific tasks you need to do in order to achieve your goal. From there, also write down any distractions or preparations you need to do make to make accomplishing your goal that much easier. For example, in order for me to do yoga everyday , I need to have dishes done, kitchen basically picked up and my house swept the night before because I do yoga in our living room and i like having my space cleaned while i practice yoga. Less distracting practice. Know your distractions in order to not get distracted. Also, I suggest searching and trying out various daily journals or year journals to help you stay organized on your day-to-day. I have used the journal by ink & volt for the last 5 years. It is like $45 bucks and helps you organized your year, month and week and have a little spot for recapping. 

You can find ones for free by just typing in goal setting worksheets on google or like I said above, just get a goal setting daily journal and actually use it to keep yourself organized and on track to a better you.

Tip #6:  Use your phone notes to not forget anything.
Your phone can be your best friend or your worst enemy. Use this tool to your advantage. 

Use your phone to learn or dumb your self down during the death scroll.

Tip #7:   The Add 1 more rule. 

The one more of anything rule: If You can only do 1 push up today, then you can try to do 2 tomorrow and 3 the next day. This is the basic’s to getting good at anything

– If you are trying to lose weight or establish a mindfulness routine or get good at basically anything. Always see if you can do 1 more thing at the end of already doing that thing. For example, I want to get good and handstand presses. So this year I have decided to add x2 rounds of pressing up and 1 30 sec headstand after my savasana. I don’t want to do it basically every time which is a sign it is something i should do. So next week all add 10 seconds on to my headstand and work up to a minute. And another round of 10 presses on each side.  Remember: Don’t over do it or you will burn yourself out when it comes to any task.

Tip# 8: If your brain says don’t do it and you don’t have a good reason and your reason is “Just because” then do that fucking thing. 

Ice Bath Goal: I want to own this Mozoko Forge but it costs 12K. So I set a $500 auto-savings this year and in two years December 2024, this is gonna be the coolest, coldest present I will have ever purchased for my self and Guy. Until than ice bags and unfrozen hose is needed to get this winter tank filled up at the boomstead.

– For example, I want to start ice bathing once a week but it takes a lot of commitment filling up the water and working with a frozen stock tank this time of year but I will try and when i get in that tank I know I am not going to want to get my head wet but i don’t have a good reason so I will at least go under at the end for as long as i can. Face your inner bitch, face your fears, trust your intuition and Go. The only thing stopping you is more of then not you. 

Stop chasing nothing and start doing what makes you happy. If you don’t know what makes you happy then just start saying Yes to everything that sounds fun and maybe you will start discovering more about yourself then you even new possible. We are all beings of light and love and we deserve to shine bright and it starts with knowing ourselves and treating ourselves with love and kindness. If you don’t have any goals for yourself it is very easy to get caught up doing nothing and letting the world tell you how to be. Life is much more fun when you use your brain to create, do and love. So open up your mind and start going after everything you want. 

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