A BOOM DIY: Comfrey Salve
Google Comfrey if you have never heard of this awesome plant and find out how badass this herb is for your permaculture garden and life but “ain’t nobody got time” to explain shit that you can figure out on your own.
To be brief, In the Garden…
Comfrey is a dynamic accumulator, compost activator, mulch, and companion plant.
& In the Medicine Cabinet…
Comfrey can heal wounds, treat rashes and scars, acts as an anti-inflammatory and analgesic to treat broken bones, osteoarthritis and sprains, among many other holistic remedies and treatments.
A BOOM DIY: Comfrey Salve in 5 easy steps:
- Plant, Grow and Harvest Comfrey Leaves as needed 5 weeks after planting, (Harvest 5 plus time a growing season.
- Decides what ingredients you have and want to use
- Google DIY Comfrey Salve with ingredients you have: I started with Comfrey, Beeswax and Coconut Oil. I changed the Recipe by replacing the olive oil for double the coconut oil. I ended up doubling the recipe to make 8 – 2 oz tins that are basically all half full. I had to purchase tins, coconut oil, lavender and Tea tree essential oils
- Raise your own bees for beeswax or make friends with a beekeeper or purchase local beeswax at a farmers market.
- Follow our Boomstead’s First Comfrey Salve Recipe:
- 2/3 cup of comfrey
- 2 cup of coconut oil
- 1/2 cup (4oz) of beeswax
- 31 drops of Lavender essential oil
- 31 drops of Melaleuca Essetial oil
- cheese cloth
- Dice/Chop/Grind up Comfrey
- Use Double Boiler to meltdown Coconut Oil and Beeswax
- Add Comfrey and simmer for 2 hours, stir a few times over 2 hour timeframe
- Strain mixture with cheese cloth and let cool for a couple minutes
- Add Essential Oils
- Pour into tin/glass jars
- Spread the Comfrey Love all over your body, use when needed and gift the other jars to your besties. Or better yet recoup your losses and sell @$10/jar.
-Boom it up