• 970-279-1787
  • traci.mitchell@aboomlife.com
  • Denver, CO, USA



Now offering private events and workshops in a small group setting ranging from 2- 10 people. (Reserve your Party Below)

Book your Private Event at The Denver Urban Boomstead #theDUB – Come hungry, leave stuffed full of the best sourdough pizza of your life!

Send us an email or DM @theboomstead to discuss your booking date.

Choose your Event:

Private Farm To Table Experience: 2-8 people ($75 per person) Dining in just got a little more fun and a whole lot tastier. Plus you get to do something exclusively different in Denver – A Micro Farm to table Pizza Party. Experience the best sourdough pizza of your life and a mini farm tour.

Hands-on DIY sourdough classes: 2-4 people (see schedule for pricing) Leave with a starter and an unbaked loaf of bread plus all the skills you need to bake your own loaf of bread at home.

Farm tours: (see schedule for pricing) A 1 hour Permaculture Micro Farm Tour. Ask us anything about urban farming and backyard homesteading while you get to see the ins and out of how we make Mile High Micro Greens your sustainable eco-friendly urban micro farm choice, get to Q&A with the farmers the whole time.

Permaculture workshops: 2-10 people, (see schedule above for pricing) Workshops vary from all about cob, Kombucha 101, urban beekeeping, chicken keeping, starting your own garden, learning how to grow a pound of microgreens every week.

Grow your own Weed workshops: 2-10 people, (see schedule above for pricing) Learn how to start and sow your own 6 plants and gain the confidence to grow your own medicine at home. We include everything you will need to leave with 6 of your own plants to grow this summer.