• 970-279-1787
  • traci.mitchell@aboomlife.com
  • Denver, CO, USA

A BOOM DIY: Comfrey Salve

Google Comfrey if you have never heard of this awesome plant and find out how badass this herb is for your permaculture garden and life but “ain’t nobody got time” to explain shit that you can figure out on your own. To be brief, In the Garden…  Comfrey is a dynamic accumulator, compost activator, mulch, and companion plant.  & In […]

DIY: Mosquito Repellant Garden Bed

Planting a Garden is Fun but why not have a bed that actually serves more than one purpose? And did you know there are plants that attract along with deters different insects?  In Steps the Mosquito Repellant Garden Bed. Here are 3 easy steps for you to follow so you can build your very own garden that keeps the Mosquitos […]

Hoop-House Design 101: Making your own hoop house for under $1000

A hoop house is non-heated greenhouse.  It is a great place for cold hardy plants in the winter and a great place for seed starting and plants that can handle extreme heat in the summer, but make sure to set your mouse traps.  Based on your climate, you may choose to forego the plastic wrap and just use a shade […]