• 970-279-1787
  • traci.mitchell@aboomlife.com
  • Denver, CO, USA

5 Mantras and Mudras For Monday – plus Recipe for Yum Tea!

Did you know I am are powerful words in the English language and what words you use after them allow you to gain empowerment over discourse in one’s life. Chaotic times call for confidence and control over one’s actions. As Permaculture-Entrepreneurs I find great direction in my daily life when I repeat mantras I have found that keep me motivated […]

Power up your Brain with Podcasts instead of Radio on the Road!

If you are still listening to the radio on your morning commute in to work or on long Road trips, what are you thinking? In my twenties it was always about the next best Album. There is always more than enough opportunities/time for music and we all know when we need to Jam out to our favorite hits and guilty pleasures […]