• 970-279-1787
  • traci.mitchell@aboomlife.com
  • Denver, CO, USA

Hoop-House Design 101: Making your own hoop house for under $1000

A hoop house is non-heated greenhouse.  It is a great place for cold hardy plants in the winter and a great place for seed starting and plants that can handle extreme heat in the summer, but make sure to set your mouse traps.  Based on your climate, you may choose to forego the plastic wrap and just use a shade […]

Earthships – like a ship on earth bro? No, but Kinda.

Permaculture and Earthships – Are Two Peas in a Pod. Earthships – The Off-Grid, living, Eco Friendly Home and Permaculture, both encourage working with nature as oppose to against her, closed loop systems, growing food onsite, collecting water and using it to its full potential. We hope to build one of our own some day. So An Earthship is not […]