• 970-279-1787
  • traci.mitchell@aboomlife.com
  • Denver, CO, USA

How to be Rich when you are older and 5 things you should consider if you want to live the good life.

1. Define what Rich means to you? 

You don’t have to have millions in the bank to feel rich but it sure does help. 

But in all honesty do you have any idea the dollar amount it takes for you to feel rich. 

You must have enough to cover basic expenses plus extra wants and desires to “feel rich” 

So Figure out what that is number: 

Essentials: Rent or Mortgage, other bills (cable, phone bill, internet, car bill, insurance for self and health) Groceries for the week x 4, pet costs, gas. 

Non-essentials: alcohol/drugs, party/leisure, going out) anything else I didn’t mention. 

We also like to have Fuck-around money: so include that number to. Lets say its 1k (even if you don’t have that amount right down choose the number that pops in your head that makes you smile or relax) 

Once you have decided what that “feeling rich” number is know that it always changes as you get older or if you add or take on any new thing in your life like a new hobby, new partner, new pet, you moved, you bought a car, etc. Try to be mindful and aware of what this number is every month so you cal life in your means and not go overboard with a new lifestyle decision. 

2. Eliminate Credit card debt every month, trying your best to bring the balance back to zero every chance you get.  This will take practice (We are still working on this tip) but just because you have a credit limit of 20,000 let’s say doesn’t mean you should max it out. You are better off only using 10% of your credit limit. So that is only 2K of the 20 K being used , your credit score will grow and you will be in control of your finances if you try this basic suggestion.

If you have let your credit card debt get out of hand they have companies that will give you a small loan that can have an apr as low as 2.5% that will allow you to consolidate your credit cards into one monthly payment but the trick here is not using your credit cards once you have set this up so you can truly pay off your debt and not just keep accumulating more. Try creditkarma.com 

3. Don’t gamble or spend money you don’t have

I might of said it above but just because your credit limit is 20k  doesn’t mean you spend all of it or if you just got a new promotion doesn’t mean you should buy a new house or buy everything you have been wanting. Living modestly is the way to living your best life. If you are afraid to lose the money you are thinking of spending then don’t spend it. That is how I like to look at purchases. If I were to throw that money in the trash or for some reason lose it for some random reason would I still be ok and if that answer is yes than that is the start to making a good decision in regard to how money is spent.  If however you can’t handle the loss then DO NOT MAKE THAT PURCHASE.  

4. Learn how to make your own shit, fix things and grow your own food. 

The one thing you can try to do for yourself is always be willing to try to do it yourself first. However, you can also save yourself a lot of time and money by knowing your strengths and weaknesses and hiring someone for the job when necessary. Life is full of opportunities to grow, learn, and create. If you have the desire then always go for it but if you don’t then it’s best to leave it to the professionals. The choices are obvious, save your self money by learning an array of skills or support a local business instead. This is one life choice you will have to figure out on your own as you grow old. I like to have a blend of both. I try to can food, dehydrate and ferment food when I can and eliminate waste. However, I will buy a can of sauce or buy some GMO, pesticide, chemical ridden cereal despite understanding the waste and cost involved with that purchase. 

We are all prone to domestication and being a hypocrite comes easier as we enter the age of separation from our emotional intelligence and natural selves. 

5. Invest Everything you can & Do what you love

Once you know what you need to survive, the next step is knowing what you need to thrive. 

What money amount is gonna make you be able to wake up everyday and live worry free. If that means a big house, badass foreign sports car, a rolex on the wrist, fine include all that if that means living debt free, pay for everything up front, going out every night, having an assistant, than great write that shit down figure out what it costs and then know that in order to have and do those things you want you need to have an investment portfolio making that for you while you continue to do the job you love. 

Finding a Career that you enjoy is the key to never working a day in your life. 

Let me repeat myself. Doing a job you love is the key to never having a job. When you do something you love to do everyday , you are grateful for it everyday and never have that moment of “I Hate my life, what am I doing” I promise you even on the most difficult most task oriented challenging of all challenging days, if you are doing something you truly enjoy you will Never feel like you are working. 

If you don’t have your dream job currently , head on over and download our ebook the 13 steps to guide you down your entrepreneurial path. This book will help you figure out what you like and start you down the path toward owning your life, living it to the fullest and dying rich. 

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