• 970-279-1787
  • traci.mitchell@aboomlife.com
  • Denver, CO, USA

9 facts about the brain

We use our brains everyday, Check out these 9 facts so you can be on the top of your game: 1. The brain doesn’t feel pain. This Doesn’t mean you shouldn’t wear a helmet.  2.Your brain has huge oxygen needs: so bringing attention to your breath and trying to signal everything else out is a great way to get back […]

Owning your time and start enjoying life

Stop wasting all your time at work. I only work about 20-30 hours every  2 weeks. But I enjoy my time at work and obviously the rest of the time when I’m just doing whatever life throws at me. I’m not a millionaire and I don’t have a beach house or my own mountain lab. There isn’t a lamborgini parked […]

Vitamins and minerals really do work.

The power and protecting properties of antioxidants and minerals is determined by the laws of nature. They are the key elements for survival of all mankind and we seriously need to consider what a daily vitamin regime does for our health daily, weekly, monthly, yearly and far into the future. We have all been told to take our vitamins, and […]

Back pain and the power of Yoga

One day or another we all face back pain; whether it’s from incorrect posture, improper movements, repetitive movements on joints or muscles and/or a disc injury, some have it worse than others. Nearly 1 in 3 adults in the US suffers from some form of joint problem . Back pain can be so bad some resort to prescription drugs and […]

30 Minutes of activity/exercise, 3-4x a week = Healthy for life

So we all have been told to exercise. Scientific research has shown numerous of benefits that come from being active, but we all seem to forget about the benefits and what being active truly offers us. We run and hide on our couch behind a tub of ice cream or bag of chips and the remote after a long days […]