High Permaculture Entrepreneur Newsletter
Take 5 for Monday 10-21-19 – A blog highlighting Permaculture Projects, Boss Tips for Entrepreneurs, Popular Podcasts, Banging life hacking tips, and More Badassness-ness!
(1)A homestead that will boom your life: The Boomstead is where our Tiny house is and where we will continue to restore the prairie. The Denver Urban Boomstead is where we live now. There is and has been so much happening in our life it is important to take a step and congratulate your fucking self! This is our 11th year in business with Boom Sports and our 1st year with Mile High Micro Greens. To sum it all up in a sentence: Life will have its challenges, but it’s how you play the game that what will determine your happiness. Transition is probably the hardest thing to do in life. Kids demonstrate the struggle of transition everyday to us when its time to go from classroom to boom sports time, some get amped and some fear the change as we all do. Embracing change and allowing life to work itself out is how we have accomplished so much in the past 10 months from moving our life off the boomstead and into Denver @The D.U.B. along with our micro farm has been an incredible humbling experience and I am very excited for the years to come despite all the hardships.
For instance, this past week was a test, We flooded the greenhouse with over 50 gallons of water just from lack of setting a timer and we also allowed 3 of our chickens to be attacked by a alley cat or raccoon, since moving we did not but a chicken-door on their coop and/ or their run which allowed a predator to gain entry during the night when a chicken is defenseless and blind. Friday 10/19 was a very eventful terrible sunrise. Seeding needed to be done with Mile high micro greens and we had to coach kiddos by 10am in Parker for Boom Sports. However around 6:30 am we noticed something off in the coop, one chicken “Doodles: was injured with her comb ripped off her head and the other “Smurf” with her eyes scratched out, the third chicken “Big Red” was dead without a head and I am forever sad for this lost that I am responsible for. We culled the injured two chickens which may or may not of been the right thing to do but from our perspective we can buy a chicken on craigslist for $15 and currently we don’t have the means for an outrageous veterinary bill for chickens. As a chicken keeper and farmer you have to protect your hens and I left them unsafe at night. I will forgive myself but learn my lesson to always lock up your hens and know that even in the city as an urban chicken keeper the predators are out there.
(2) Permaculture Product comparison: Every week we have to purchase a soil medium for our Permaculture business. We tried to switch to coco coir and a perlite blend form Mother Earth which is a more sustainable product for the environment because it doesn’t use peat-moss but unfortunately the price is not cost effective when comparing it to the Giant compacted bail of Pro Mix Hp. The Mother Earth is 4x the amount of the Pro Mix Hp and from a farming stand point it doesn’t make since coco coir is made from coconut husks which is a rejuvenating sustainable product and perlite, which is a type of volcanic glass that comes from hydrated obsidian which is naturally occurring. Peat moss on the other hand is extracted from the peatlands and is responsible for storing a third of our soil carbon and when we harvest we release that carbon into the atmosphere and according to a study causes 5% of the world’s greenhouse gas emissions. However, we will continue you use the ProMix Hp blend because it is an amazing cost effective product for our operations and according to the article the amount being harvested is on the small scale to the amount available and the “Bog” being harvested each year is regrowing within 10-15 years. We will continue our search for a more sustainable product that does not include peatmoss but for now we have to do what is right for our business to be sustainable in the long run. please see this article if you are interested in peat moss being good or bad for the environment? <https://www.washingtonpost.com/lifestyle/home/should-sustainable-gardeners-use-peat-moss/2017/05/09/1fc746f0-3118-11e7-9534-00e4656c22aa_story.html>
(3) Podcasts for your Pleasure: The Tony Robbins Podcast – go listen to the Mike Tyson interview and Kevin Hart one to get you started but I guarantee you will not regret starting to listen to Tony Robbins. In fact go listen/ buy his book Money Mastering the Game to change the way you look, treat and handle money. Guy found this podcast The School of Greatness Lewis Howes is a great interviewer and provides a great podcast to help bring mind focus and empower yourself and overcome obstacles you may be facing in your life. Go listen to the one with Jim Gaffigan, and get the inside look into his crazy comical life.
(4)A Documentary that will make your heart pump: Untethered by Levi Allen and the badass Slacker Spencer Seabrook and his slack-lining family take over all that is slack in Vancouver, B.C. ! <
(5) New Product for Self-Care: As entrepreneurs we try to make sure we take a day every week to make sure we check-in with ourselves and do something that makes us feel good. I have been running low on moisturizer and have been wanting to have a nice smelling perfume/fragrance that is not full of chemicals. we were at the CO-Op on 1st on Sunday and @botanicaltouch, She was there selling essential “pleasure” oils and other self-care bath blends that are good for your skin but also good for relaxation and sensual pleasures if you are in need. I was more focused on the natural aspects of her essential “sensual” oils but also intrigued about the added benefits that is why I bought the CBD infused sensual oil that will be good for relaxing the body after a nice warm shower at night!
Until the next Take 5 – Do something for yourself that makes you happy. If you like to draw, start drawing a picture. If you want to grow your own food but live in a small apartment start with a microgreens tray and a cool indoor plant that helps clean the air. You hold the power to your happiness if you allow yourself to understand this simple fact, breath and find your truth.
Please help us make permaculture popular and share our blog with someone who you think might need to boom their life.
Have a booming week!
@traconanda and @guymitchelljr