• 970-279-1787
  • traci.mitchell@aboomlife.com
  • Denver, CO, USA
Life Enhancement
Energy and The Garden – 5 unconventional ways to boost your garden’s production

Energy and The Garden – 5 unconventional ways to boost your garden’s production

Proper soil and a good watering schedule are always ideal for optimal growing conditions for plants but here are 5 more unconventional things you should consider to boom your garden in 2018:

1. Timing your Garden with the lunar calendar

The Earth is always in a gravitational pull between the sun and the moon. Just how the full moon effects the tide in the ocean it plays a strong roll in the surface water in the soil. If you want to find out more on when and what you should plant based on the 4 phases of the moon, go to gardening by the moon website and check out this cool Lunar garden calendar website – that gives you day by day tips to optimize your garden based off the lunar phase.

(2) Chickens – are the cheapest employees you will ever hire to amp your growing needs and they provide free eggs!!

-At the beginning and End of each crop planting let your chickens have some fun. They will add fertility with their droppings and break up the soil for your next planting cycle. Look into a chicken tractor, if you don’t want your chickens to have all access to your land and each week you can pull them to a new area of your land leaving behind a very fertile spot for future growing needs. Justin Rhodes from abundant permaculture offers chicken tractor blueprints

(3)The Miracles of Qigong with accelerating germination

A study in the American Journal of Chinese Medicine, demonstrated that a women name Chulin Sun using a form of Qigong can accelerate the germination of specific seeds for the purposes of developing a more robust seed stock; She can induce plant seeds to grow shoots and roots several cm long within 20 min using mentally projected qi energy.  Finding suggests that that qi energy changed the structure of a germination-correlated gene site speeding up expression and advancing it in time.  If you would like to read more about the study and their findings click here   or for a quick summary of the findings go to this article

(4)Play Music for your plants – we need more studies to investigate this but a lot of farmers and growers have found 20-60% more growth in plants when music is played in their vicinity. Plants don’t have ears but they feel the vibration from the admitting sound waves coming from the music.  Plants contain Protoplasm, translucent material comprising the living part of a cell, and it is in a state of perpetual movement. The theory is The vibrations picked up by the plant might speed up the protoplasmic movement in the cells. This stimulation then could affect the system and improve performance, such as the manufacture of nutrients that develop a stronger and better plant. Here is a cool article I found reviewing several of the findings on musics and plants

(5) Love tuning your plants with 528hz – A love tuner is a mindfulness tool, a single tone flute that aligns ourselves with the 528hz frequency,  “the love” “Miracle” frequency. The frequency of life, creation and love. The frequency transmitted from the sun.  The frequency plants vibrate at during photosynthesis. The frequency we’re all meant to be in tune with. We emit this frequency ourselves when we experience unconditional love, compassion.

And multiple studies have show accelerated plant growth when plants are grown with the 528hz frequency present. Checkout the cool video and experiment done by the happy cultivator showing the power of 528hz


-Strangely, plants’ musical tastes show a remarkable congruence with those of the humans reporting them.— Daniel Chamovitz


have a booming week!



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