• 970-279-1787
  • traci.mitchell@aboomlife.com
  • Denver, CO, USA

Traveling tips and tricks to save big on your upcoming vacation this year

5 Travel Tips to Boom Your Vacation – plan, save, and enjoy vacation for once! We are on a badass trip this week and away from the boomstead for our 5 year anniversary; here are 5 things we did to boom our vacation: (1) Plan and book your trip and Flight a year before destination date with your credit card and […]

Can nature make me better?

Becoming a Better Human by mimicking nature and creating closed looped systems What is it going to take for us to understand that we need to mimic nature for our species and this planet to survive and thrive?  We come from nature, we have evolved overtime so why would we think an open looped system and linear design was going […]

A Boom Poem: Life’s Vision

We all have a vision for what we expect out of life, We all want maximum fun with minimum strife. Then, it is up to you to find the good in the bad, and turn negatives into positives as the plan. Handle and breath into this moment, Let go of expectations – no moppin’! Dry your tears and let go […]

5 Tips to Boom Your Nap Time – Become an Expert Power Napper!!

We are always on the move, trying to optimize our lives and sometimes that means missing out on some zzz’s so we don’t miss out on life. The Benefits of a power nap are obvious, especially after taking a great one but here are few benefits: clearer thinking, increase alertness, decrease stress, improve memory, and enhance creativity. So, if you […]

Coffee Enemas Plus a Vegan Diet Equals The World’s Simplest cure for Cancer 

Nowadays, everyone knows someone who has cancer or who has died from cancer. Here is an alternative treatment that was discovered almost 100 years ago by Dr. Max Gerson and coined the world’s simplest cure for cancer. Watch the documentary The Beautiful Truth and learn that Dr. Gerson was poisoned twice before ultimately dying from being poisoned; His daughter Charlotte […]

Energy and The Garden – 5 unconventional ways to boost your garden’s production

Proper soil and a good watering schedule are always ideal for optimal growing conditions for plants but here are 5 more unconventional things you should consider to boom your garden in 2018: 1. Timing your Garden with the lunar calendar The Earth is always in a gravitational pull between the sun and the moon. Just how the full moon effects […]

Grow Your own food by Growing Sprouts & Micro Greens @ Home

By growing your own food, You can Boom Your Health in 7-14 days by Growing Sprouts & Micro Greens @ Home What are Microgreens and Sprouts: Our Definition: Microgreens and Sprouts are baby seedlings of any plant variety that can be grown year around, (some will taste better that others) grown/sprouted densely together. Sprouts are like the babies and micro greens […]

8 ways to Boom your ZZZs!

What is the most important part of your day? Hands down Your Sleep. If you are not getting a good nights sleep you are unable to be the optimal human when you are awake. Sleep provides the restoration we need and it is important for storing memories. Lack of sleep impairs reasoning, problem-solving, and attention to detail, among other effects. A […]