• 970-279-1787
  • traci.mitchell@aboomlife.com
  • Denver, CO, USA
Life Enhancement
Can nature make me better?

Can nature make me better?

Becoming a Better Human by mimicking nature and creating closed looped systems

What is it going to take for us to understand that we need to mimic nature for our species and this planet to survive and thrive? 

We come from nature, we have evolved overtime so why would we think an open looped system and linear design was going to work with constantly changing humans, and planet. Climate will ever be evolving, with or without human impact but we should consider the idea that our ability to survive depends on our adaptability to be in and with nature’s systems.

Don’t have expectations for others but only for yourself. If you want people to be less wasteful, it starts with your actions. 

3 ways to be less wasteful:  bring your own bag to any store you will need one  not just the grocery store ; take one less shower a week ; share and or order less so you don’t need the one and done To go box – say no to straws. ( I guess that is four, but trust me there is way more than four ways to be less wasteful)

If you want your life to change you have to amp up your productivity and the way you do you – 

Here are  3 ways to be more productive –  take time to put 10 things away before you got to bed to keep your house/ space more organized ; journal – write out and plan your day and know your goals; know and write down your top 3 daily to do tasks.

And your habits ultimately are you – modify the things holding you back to habits that propel you forward : 

3 daily habits you need to change to boom you life:

– Read more watch less – reading is an active brain activity where TV watching is passive you decide what’s gonna boom your brain.

– Listen more speak less – open up your ear holes and use your super power of listening.

– No more snooze button – wake up and be excited to be alive. Learn your sleep

Cycle and amp up your day by not wasting it in bed.

There is much more we can do every day to boom our life and the world around us. It just takes mindfulness followed up by action. Get creative and don’t let life pass you by with habits and lifestyle choices that are holding you back, destroying you and the world you live in. Creating a closed loop system can be challenging but adding these things and making them a daily habit will take you one step closer to seeing and controlling habits that are detrimental to you and the planet.




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