• 970-279-1787
  • traci.mitchell@aboomlife.com
  • Denver, CO, USA

Hoop-House Design 101: Making your own hoop house for under $1000

A hoop house is non-heated greenhouse.  It is a great place for cold hardy plants in the winter and a great place for seed starting and plants that can handle extreme heat in the summer, but make sure to set your mouse traps.  Based on your climate, you may choose to forego the plastic wrap and just use a shade […]

Planning your Kitchen Garden

Since the beginning of our journey on our property and homestead, growing our own food has been one of our main aspirations and dreams in the overall scheme of our property development. To many people, gardening means getting their hands dirty so to speak and finding a deeper connection with were there food comes from. Gardening can be overwhelming at […]

Take 5 for Friday 1-26-18

Take 5 for Friday : (1) Podcast of the week:  Coming down from Breckenridge on Monday we caught up on some Bill Burr’s Monday Morning Podcasts, episodes from 1/19 and 1/22 — just a great way to kick back on the road and let the man shoot the shit with you – don’t have expectations from this ginger F”&$; you […]

Be there for the Bees. Please!

Did you know Bees are responsible for Cross-pollination which helps at least 30 percent of the world’s crops and 90 percent of our wild plants to thrive?  Without bees to spread seeds, many plants—including food crops—would die off.   <https://www.nrdc.org/sites/default/files/bees.pdf> Go here to find out more information on why we need bees. So what are you doing to be there […]

Earthships – like a ship on earth bro? No, but Kinda.

Permaculture and Earthships – Are Two Peas in a Pod. Earthships – The Off-Grid, living, Eco Friendly Home and Permaculture, both encourage working with nature as oppose to against her, closed loop systems, growing food onsite, collecting water and using it to its full potential. We hope to build one of our own some day. So An Earthship is not […]

The Importance of an Active lifestyle to become the ultimate Human!

Movement matters.  Contemplate this Quote from think and grow rich for a second:  We live on a blue planet that circles a ball of fire next to a moon the moves the sea and you don’t believe in Miracles? -Think & Grow Rich   Our very existence on this planet depends on movement; So why would you think our body […]

A New Year, A fresh new Blog coming to you…

A BOOM (PERMACULTURE)life.com – Sustaining life by Entrepreneurial, Mindfulness and Permaculture techniques. Welcome to A Boom (Permaculture) Life: Hi my name is Traci Mitchell and my husband Guy and I our successful Entrepreneurs and Permaculture Designers. We own a Company called Boom Inc. that sustains our life and helps us pursue our goals of homesteading and living off grid applying permaculture […]