• 970-279-1787
  • traci.mitchell@aboomlife.com
  • Denver, CO, USA
Life Enhancement
How to have a Daily Meditation Practice to unlock your true authentic self.

How to have a Daily Meditation Practice to unlock your true authentic self.

To start this blog, I need to mention Something profound happen today during my meditation practice which had me in joyful tears and ready for the year. So, let me try to breakdown what happened as clearly as possible. 

First, I started by opening up my chakras by breathing a four count in and a four count out and increasing it by one second all the way up to 10 seconds.

Second, I started saying the chakras in visualizing the colors Starting with the red root chakra and working all the way up to the white crown chakra saying the different words in Mantras that accompany them. 

  • Your Root chakra is Red with the mantra  “I am”
  • Your Sacral Chakra is Orange with the mantra “I feel.” 
  • Your Solar Plexus Chakra is Yellow with the mantra “I do.”
  • Your Heart Chakra is Green with the mantra “I love.”
  • Your Throat Chakra is Blue with the mantra “I Speak” 
  • Your Ear Chakra is Turquoise with the mantra “I Listen” (Your ear chakra is something I made up by I added it to help me become a better listener to myself and others)
  • Your Third Eye chakra is Indigo with the mantra “I See”
  • Your Crown chakra Is Purple with the mantra “I understand” 
  • All the colors turn to white when all your chakras are open. 

Third, I realized I have a specific mantra I like to use to clear my mind which is “Om Ami Dewa Hrih” and to me it means to have strength to keep going.

 I also found the definition to help me and you understand this power mantra even more. Side note: to learn something sometimes requires us to write it down and then teach it to someone else which is kind of what I’m doing here with this blog post. This expert comes from the awakening state blog:

Om Ami Dewa Hrih is the sacred mantra of Amitabha (Amitayus) Buddha, who protects you from obstacles and dangers and overcomes all hindrances to your success.

This chant is also known as “Dharani for pulling out karmic obstructions by the roots and obtaining birth in the Pure Land” or ”Rebirth Mantra.”

Buddha Amitabha Amitayus) short mantra:  “Om Ami Dewa Hrih”Meaning:

  • Om represents the enlightened body, speech, and mind;
  • Ami represents Buddha Amitabha;
  • Dewa represents the deva realms, 6 desire realms, and Brahma realms;
  • Hrih represents the seed syllable of compassion.

Reciting this mantra enhances your compassion, purifies the veils of negative karma, and increases your love, thereby destroying self-grasping.

Moreover, chanting this mantra with a sincere heart for 300,000 times ensures that Amida Buddha will sit atop the crown of your head and guard and protect you day and night.

This mantra is also used as a preparation requirement for another, even more powerful practice – Phowa (also known as the transference of consciousness at the time of death or the practice of conscious dying) – a conscious dying practice when we send our consciousness into the heart of red Buddha, feeling what exactly does happen at the moment of death.

I haven’t even come close to chanting it 300,00 times but the energy, calmness, and strength I feel from it is why I use this mantra everyday. 

The fourth thing that happened was I started chanting this mantra above and it’s the first time I’ve ever chanted during meditation out loud without judgment.

I guess the first one came out with my throat chakra closed and not opened and I let it go and I just started saying it over and over with a breath and then letting it out saying the mantra when letting out my exhale and it filled my eyes with tears.  I felt a shift and opening in my sprit. I felt  like I unlocked a past self or something, it was very powerful moment and hard to describe.  With those said tears running down my face, I felt as if I heard my old soul and self again for the first time within myself. 

For the most part when you have a meditation practice not much happens but this was a very special moment in my years of practicing and I think the more you practice your spirits and chakras open up and I guess that’s the whole point of it. 

So that happened when I was chanting, so then that was probably minute five or six I’m trying to meditate for 17 minutes. 

I was able to collect myself and stop crying and keep breathing while keeping my eyes close it was kind of hard but also I knew it was like a healing moment in my life so I was able to move forward in my practice and at the end I was like I’m gonna go five more minutes just to give myself the needed time.  I think I actually went six minutes over as I was suppose to go to 11:02am and I went 11:08am, when I opened my eyes and that’s when I realized like change and progress happens when you push it a little bit further; which is exactly like our “just add one more “ concept in our recent blog. (https://aboomlife.com/8-tips-to-goal-setting/) When you do One more , just one more, it all starts to add up. Even when you’re meditating  adding a few extra minutes especially if you’ve started to open up your mind and your chakras, is how we call level up in life. 

I think when you do one more of whatever it is you are chasing, is the key to unlocking your potential. Your true self and what dreams you have become a reality because you are pushing past your so-called limits. During this space downloads start to happen And than those unrealistic dreams start to become more and more your reality when you create and do the realistic goals every day. It’s kind of like a mind boggling concept I have discovered with this last blog post of setting your goals and what that means for your true authentic self when you have willpower and take action. 

The fifth thing that happened today when I was meditating is I realize that I have a spot I like to meditate in and it’s upstairs in the middle of my bedroom and house essentially and I feel like I’m like harnessing the suns energy up there.

When you can’t meditate in your favorite spot at home, it is important to find your second favorite spot. Like under this tree and take time for yourself, if you are about to lose your shit on someone else.

I can feel it on my face when I am facing south looking out my window and the power of the home is underneath me and it’s a rooting/grounding feeling as well as a lifting feeling and it’s just a really cool thing to happen, so boom. I guess that means it’s important to keep meditating around your home and finding that spot that you just feel is your spot of sacredness so you can connect with your true authentic self and be the goddess or god that you are. We are all from source so when we can tap into source by finding that void which is what happens when you meditate you get to connect to source and you can channel in all the things that you want to do in this human experience, this journey we call life. 

The sixth thing that happened when I was meditating occurred during the last two minutes. So, I do the Ziva method for meditation.


Go look it up here. I usually take the first two minutes to just open up and relax and then you take the middle 13 minutes to meditate and clear your mind and then the last two minutes you’re supposed to meditate and visualize your future and that becomes clear only when you know what you want. I have been visualizing what our kitchen remodel and bathroom remodel would look like over the last two years and this past year we finally finished and honestly it is exactly what I pictured but only more beautiful and sexier. I realized when you achieve your goals that you have been meditating on it is important to start creating a new goal and dream. So when you only have such a small thing you’re visualizing on, your not dreaming big enough peeps and I realize I’m not dreaming big enough so let’s dream bigger and that’s what 2023 is all about. 

During these two minutes I try to visualize myself catching the 10 to 15 swarms this spring , I see what I wanna look like in my favorite outfit around house. I see myself paying off my debt and making enough money where money is just flowing into my life and I’m just abundant as fuck.  I see myself generating wealth success in every faucet I want ; that’s what entrepreneur life is all about.  I visualize myself loving my husband and being there for my pups every day and I visualize what I want my house to look like if I’m trying to do a remodel or what our new adventure vans are gonna look like when we start selling them and I visualize all the kids loving our boom sports classes and there’s a lot more Dreams so  I don’t always cover it when I’m visualizing but whatever hits my heart and those two minutes is what usually starts being the main focus until it is achieved. I need to keep dreaming bigger. 

The last thing to happen honestly is I started transcribing this fucking blog post and another idea for another blog post.

So, my goal of writing every day is turning into just getting thoughts onto paper whether it’s me typing it or me saying it out loud taking the time and not being embarrassed to be speaking into my phone or judging myself for what I’m doing right now and not getting to yoga fast enough for whatever just living in the moment and letting my intuition be the guide.

To sum up, I believe a habitual meditation practice is the key to unlocking our true authentic self and potential.

We only have on opportunity in the human body each day to chase our dreams and make ourselves happy. So define what happiness means to you and while you are meditating remember to smile at your future self and know you are enough and on your way to a better version of yourself. That is if you want it. 

-Keep booming life


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