• 970-279-1787
  • traci.mitchell@aboomlife.com
  • Denver, CO, USA
Life Enhancement
How to Boost Life by Waiting For No One

How to Boost Life by Waiting For No One

Happy New Year. Sorry we have been on a blog hiatus. But we are too busy sometimes doing life to sit back and write about it. However every year I am going to start highlighting our first ebook I wrote in 2018. 13 Secrets to Booming Life. This book is gonna change your life if you are feeling stuck, lost or disconnected. A few things have changed in our lives but the secrets are still the same and the questions you need to ask yourself to head you down your new entrepreneurial life are all the same. Enter Email Below to get your copy.

A litte update on what has happened in my life since I wrote this book: We transitioned our Mile High Micro greens business model. Now, we strictly teach people about how to grow micro greens. Why did we stop growing micros for other? Well COVID made it a struggle to keep our restaurant order numbers huge and I don’t blame anyone but ourselves and the current climate. It is hard to have all your orders be pulled over night not just once but several times. Plus we stopped going in or trying to land new clients mostly because restaurants were either closed or only open for take out for majority of time. However, we are super excited to have this skill in our toolbox and even more excited to teach others that want to learn this skill from us. We wrote an ebook “The Superfood Growers Guide” that will teach you just that, how to grow over a pound of micro greens every freaking week!

We also launched our new company Carbon Based Designs this month which is Guy’s new woodworking company. He makes premium end grain cutting boards and live edge or river tables customized to your needs. He also has a few other crafty furniture wood pieces in store but you will need to go give him a follow on instagram to find out more.

Also I followed my dreams last year and started apprentice beekeeping Don Studinski from www.honeybeekeep.com I learned so much and started my own pollination service boom beekeeping for any one interested in keeping bees in there backyard worry and work free. I bring and take care of the bees for you and you just enjoy their sweet buzzing sounds and pollination service plus a little honey if they make more than enough to survive the winter. Find out more by clicking our beekeeping tab.

We also started our podcast High Permaculture Entrepreneurs, we still need to build up our following but I find creating things is most important part to this entrepreneur game and everything else seems to fall in place when we stay committed to our daily goals and dreams.

If you would like to support what we are doing here please send us money to our Venmo @boominc or if you would like to be come a pattern support click here! Monthly donations = Monthly Swag from stickers, ebooks, consult time to maybe even a premium edge grain cutting board made by our freaking Guy.

Enter your Email below to get our ebook that will help you Boom Your life and help lead you down your entrepreneurial path. In the end, it all starts with action. So go get it baby and wait for no one.

@thetracimitchell (formally, @traconanda)

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