• 970-279-1787
  • traci.mitchell@aboomlife.com
  • Denver, CO, USA

Poems about Life and Universal protection

A Boom Poem: Universal Protection, Universally Protected. Universal Protection  Is More than what you think,  You must ask for it, but you will not know when you will receive.  Trust in the unknown is the key,  To understand that mother Gaia will hold you until you’re free. Gratitude is the attitude of abundance, Shout out “Thanks” when you feel her […]

How to smoke weed everyday at my job?

Entrepreneurs Smoke Cannabis 24/7 to Crush Life! Know the 6 simple steps one must follow if you want to live life high and be a productive badass mother fucker.  I like this idea of being a productive pothead it has gotten me this far in life as a 34 year old and I look back at my life saying man […]

How to Boost Life by Waiting For No One

Happy New Year. Sorry we have been on a blog hiatus. But we are too busy sometimes doing life to sit back and write about it. However every year I am going to start highlighting our first ebook I wrote in 2018. 13 Secrets to Booming Life. This book is gonna change your life if you are feeling stuck, lost […]

How Can I Live Healthy my Whole Life?

Here are the 10 Health & Vitality Life Hacks from Young Permaculture Entrepreneur Farmers Basically, a quick blog on what it takes to live healthy all year long and keep your workout routine alive. It’s always been hard to Keep your workout routine alive all year long and even more now during this time of change and unknown. But right […]

How to compost things around the house for more sustaining ways

5 ways to compost at home & 5 ways to up your composting game all around the house. Compost /ˈkämˌpōst/ (n.) Organic Material that is no longer wanted for its original purpose but can be used in its decaying basic form as a carbon or nitrogen that will be broken down aerobically or anaerobically to be used again as a […]

How to be Eco-Friendly in 2023

Five Eco-Friendly Hacks to Start Living a More Sustainable Life Today! As awareness grows around the waste we consume, we still are left trying to find more Eco-friendly, sustainable uses for the things that end up in landfills everyday. We here at A Boom Life believe that developing an awareness about the waste we consume daily is the biggest step […]

Best Homesteading Resources in 2023

The Permaculture Entrepreneur Resource Blog. Our Top 10 Permaculture books, 10 Entrepreneur books, 10 P.E. Podcasts and 10 Instagram Permaculture Influencers Permaculture Entrepreneur /ˈpərməˌkəlCHər äntrəprəˈno͝o(ə)r/ (n.) A Person who uses regenerative, sustainable and self-sufficient systems in all aspects of life (not just agriculture) and chooses to partake in work that brings financial risk but also allows them to enrich their […]

Marking advice from a rookie in small based business

Finding the right marketing company: 4 things we learned in 2019 hiring out marketing & 4 ways to help build your brand in 2020 and into the next decade as a small business owner. Mar·ket·ing /ˈmärkədiNG/ (n.) An important step in business,  promoting and selling the products or services, including market research and advertising for a company. This is our first time hiring […]

How to use Amazon to grow food

and how you can Grow your Own Food with this Amazon shopping List… Growing your own food can be an easy habit if you start adding it into your routine in 2020. With the amount of information online just google how to grow microgreens or how to sprout your own food and bing bang boom down the micro rabbit hole […]