• 970-279-1787
  • traci.mitchell@aboomlife.com
  • Denver, CO, USA


Take 5 for Friday – 1/12/2018

Starting this year , every Friday we will provide you with 5 awesome things we did or used this week or plan on doing the next week to boom our life. So Check it out Aboomlife presents – Take 5 For Friday: (1.)Podcast we listened to this week: Since we live on 35 acres an hour outside our our day […]

Permaculture needs Meditation

If we want to change the world we must change ourselves first  We sit to be , We sit to feel, We sit to do, We sit to love, We sit to speak, We sit to see , We sit to understand. @Traconanda Meditation when done properly is something that never stops. Living mindfully in our breath, in our actions, in our intentions leads to the ultimate […]

Chicken Keeping for Rookies

Chicken Keepin’ for Rookies. I wrote this blog some time last year and never posted it for some reason. So here is a quick run down on some basic advice that I wish I could of found in one place when I was making the decision to chicken keep. But having back yard chickens is the best decision we have […]

Power up your Brain with Podcasts instead of Radio on the Road!

If you are still listening to the radio on your morning commute in to work or on long Road trips, what are you thinking? In my twenties it was always about the next best Album. There is always more than enough opportunities/time for music and we all know when we need to Jam out to our favorite hits and guilty pleasures […]